Permanent residency as an investor of BGN 1000 000 in a collective investment scheme

Investment in Bulgarian economics has always been a legal ground for permanent residency. However, in 2021 Bulgarian Parliament introduced new legal ground for permanent residency for investors in collective investment schemes. During the period between 2021 and 2023 despite that the law listed this option as a legal ground for permanent residency, in practice no [...]

By |2024-12-21T11:12:50+02:0015/08/2024|Immigration to Bulgaria, living in Bulgaria, Residence in Bulgaria, Без категории|Комментарии к записи Permanent residency as an investor of BGN 1000 000 in a collective investment scheme отключены

Bulgaria in Schengen. The important changes for foreigners living in Bulgaria

Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area is important news for foreigners who are residing in the country or want to visit Bulgaria. With the EU Council Decision, the Bulgarian visa or residence permit become an extremely valuable document. It is important to note that in Article 1 of the EU Council Decision, the EU member states [...]

By |2024-04-03T11:10:46+03:0003/04/2024|Residence in Bulgaria, Residence permit in Bulgaria, Без категории|Комментарии к записи Bulgaria in Schengen. The important changes for foreigners living in Bulgaria отключены

Residence permit as a family member of a Bulgarian citizen

Residence permit as a family member of a Bulgarian citizen is an opportunity which allows the spouse and other relatives of any Bulgarian citizen who are third-country nationals to live in Bulgaria. The residence permit is issued for a period of up to 1 year and could be renewed on an annual basis giving the [...]

By |2023-10-06T14:24:53+03:0006/10/2023|Без категории|Комментарии к записи Residence permit as a family member of a Bulgarian citizen отключены

Student visa and residence permit in Bulgaria

Pursuing university degree in Bulgaria is a common choice among foreign nationals wishing to receive affordable and good quality higher education. Once enrolled as a student, the foreign national is eligible to receive residence permit for a period of up to 1 year which could be renewed on an annual basis. The process for obtaining [...]

By |2023-10-04T16:54:18+03:0004/10/2023|Без категории|Комментарии к записи Student visa and residence permit in Bulgaria отключены

Bulgarian citizenship by origin

Rising number of foreign nationals with Bulgarian roots discover the benefits of having  Bulgarian citizenship. One of the many opportunities that comes along is European citizenship and free movement in the European Union. Legal basis According to the Bulgarian Citizenship Act, Bulgarian citizenship by origin may be obtained by the following categories: persons of Bulgarian [...]

By |2023-02-10T17:25:12+02:0010/02/2023|Без категории|Комментарии к записи Bulgarian citizenship by origin отключены

Start-up visa

In October 2022 Bulgarian government officially introduced the Start-up visa allowing entrepreneurs to reside in Bulgaria and develop high-tech and/or innovative projects in the country. The Start-up visa is not bound by requirements for a minimum financial investment and there is no need to open a certain number of job positions for Bulgarian citizens. Therefore, [...]

By |2022-10-26T14:22:20+03:0026/10/2022|Без категории|0 Comments

Временная защита для украинских граждан. ВНЖ и ПМЖ в Болгарии

01.04.2022 состоялся наш вебинар "Временная защита для украинских граждан. ВНЖ и ПМЖ в Болгарии". Вы можете скачать презентацию Power Point по указанной ниже ссылке: Временная защита для украинских граждан. ВНЖ и ПМЖ в Болгарии

By |2022-04-01T17:22:30+03:0001/04/2022|Без категории|0 Comments

Временная защита для граждан Украины в Болгарии

Содержание этой статьи регулярно обновляется 3 марта 2021 года Европейский совет активировал Директиву о временной защите граждан Украины, въезжающих на территорию государств-членов Европейского Союза. Согласно новым правилам, все граждане Украины, въезжающие в Болгарию (или другую страну-участницу), имеют право на получение карты временной защиты со сроком действия 1 год. Правила процедуры оформления временной защиты (до 1 [...]

By |2022-03-21T17:54:12+02:0012/03/2022|Без категории|0 Comments

Residence permit on the basis of trade representative office of a foreign legal entity

Increasing number of foreign legal entities establish trade representative offices (“TRO”) with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (“BCCI”) in Bulgaria. Each TRO gives the right to residence of up to three foreign nationals coming from a Non-EU countries who shall be appointed as trade representatives of the particular TRO. The residence permit is [...]

By |2022-01-04T14:21:37+02:0004/01/2022|Без категории|0 Comments

Single Residence and Work Permit

The Single Residence and Work Permit constitutes a combined work and residence permit issued for a period up to 3 years to Non-EU nationals who have been invited to work for a Bulgarian employer. The process for obtaining a Single Residence and Work Permit could be divided into five main steps. Submission of an application [...]

By |2021-12-02T16:31:22+02:0002/12/2021|Без категории|0 Comments
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