Extension of the validity of personal documents for Bulgarian and foreign nationals

Part of the new anti-epidemic measures adopted in Bulgaria include extension of the validity of personal documents for Bulgarian and foreign nationals who reside in Bulgaria. Extension of the validity of personal documents of prolonged residents According to the newly adopted amendments to the Act on the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria, a foreign [...]

Покупка на недвижим имот в България. Какво трябва да знаем?

For English click here. Покупката на недвижим имот винаги е свързана с много предизвикателства – преговори с продавача, дискусия с банката, калкулация на предстоящите разходи за нотариални такси, довършителни работи и други. В стремежа си да разрешим най-спешните и практични проблеми, понякога не отделяме достатъчно внимание на най-важния въпрос – проверка и задълбочено проучване по [...]

Key legal checklist for buying a real estate in Bulgaria

Purchasing real estate is always related to many challenges – negotiations with the seller, discussions with the bank, calculation of the expenses for notary fees, renovation works and others. However, in the hustle of solving the most urgent and practical matters, some of us pay little attention to the most important point – comprehensive research [...]

By |2020-10-15T12:14:43+03:0015/10/2020|Real estate|0 Comments
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